Oliver Dunk

Oliver Dunk

23 years old, Developer Relations Engineer at Google

Linking real world lighting to Minecraft

Occasionally, an idea pops into my mind and I instantly dismiss it as crazy. A few weeks ago, however, I had the idea of harnessing the power of modern 'smart home' devices to create more immersive Minecraft experiences. I remembered reading about LIFX WiFi connected light bulbs, and this instantly made me wonder if I could sync the light level of my home with the game. It was a challenge, but I knew that it... (Read More)

A Day At Mozilla

I've always loved sharing my experience with others. Back in July, I helped lead Minecon's official modding workshops which gave birth to hundreds of young programmers and was a brilliant opportunity. Since then, I've been busy revising for my exams but accepting a new challenge has always been at the back of my mind.A few weeks ago, I made contact with Ruth from Young Rewired State, an organization which organizes events for young developers worldwide.... (Read More)

Hi There!

I'm Oliver Dunk, a 15 year old Software Developer working with Java, Linux, and the web. I've built up my experience over the past three years working in the Minecraft community, and more recently, through progressing to work outside of this scope as a freelancer.This is my personal website and blog, which I keep up to date with what I've been working on as well as any thoughts I want to express online.If you have... (Read More)