Last weekend, I received a notification by text that my WhatsApp subscription had expired. Immediately recognising this as a scam, I decided to investigate further. I began by opening the full conversation in my messaging app, so that I could see any extra details which might help. The sender was labelled as "WhatsApp", which confused me, because I hadn't had a text from WhatsApp before and this definitely wasn't a message from the company. It...
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I've been using a service called Netlify recently, which is based entirely around the idea of static hosting. I decided to try and convert the popular TodoMVC application into a more complete progressive web app, and that's where we start our journey. I also published this article in video form, available here. What's a progressive web app? The concept behind being a progressive web app is to create a webpage providing a high enough level...
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As you probably already know if you're taking a look at my blog, I'm very enthusiastic about development and along with often writing programs myself I dedicate a fair amount of my time to mentoring younger children in order to teach them vital coding skills. In an article on site TrustedReviews, technology journalist Jason Bradbury made a statement which I personally find baffling: that the recent Government initiatives to educate our children in coding are...
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