Throughout the pandemic, I've had fun playing NERTS! Online, a competitive solitaire game by Zachtronics. A friend and I got curious to look at how it works, and in doing so, I got the idea to see what it would take to mod. As far as I know, nobody has written a NERTS! mod before - so I had to figure out the process from the beginning. This was very much a labor of love...
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For a while, I've wanted control over the volume of individual macOS applications, using a physical controller. This would allow me to turn Spotify down when I'm concentrating, or turn up a Slack call if I'm struggling to hear. I've seen this done in Windows, but never in Mac. I recently found a solution, using the open source BackgroundMusic project, and my own code to interface with a MIDI device. In this post, I'll share...
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